
Club Meeting Minutes 1/26/24

Board Meeting 1/26/24

Call to Order: 5:30pm

 Notes taken by Heather Thomas

Roll Call: Paul Thomas, Joseph Deluca, Gary Monteith, Scott Mosher, Susan Brooks, Nathan Thomas, Heather Thomas


Treasurer Report- Sue $24,939.51 currently in the bank account.

Fourth quarter 2023 have been submitted

Financial spreadsheet passed around.

Beds Tax - $7500.00 Town of Stony Creek for blizzard blast $5000 for venue and $1500 to Stony Creek Band - $1000 to not be used and put back in Stony Creek Beds Tax - All Yes

Town of Thurman $3000 for Blizzard Blast, $9000 for trail improvements in Town of Thurman, equipment maintenance/upgrades, groomer barn extension to cover outside equipment (tried to make description vague so we could decide how best to use it).

We need to know how we get this money… is it a reimbursement or are they writing a check?? Sue has left several messages at the town. 

Need to find out how long we have to spend the money??

We will wait to use the $9000 after Blizzard Blast so we have time to determine what we will use this money for.


Blizzard Blast- Heather

Stony Creek Band is confirmed $1500 will be paid and then reimbursed by Stony Creek Bed Tax.

We need volunteers to bring donation request letters to businesses. If interested, give Heather your email to be added to the Google sheets so you can add what businesses you have been to and what was, if anything, donated. Joe Deluca volunteered and will chat with Heather to divide the list for donations.


Big ticket items (we called them door prizes last year) new name for them?? What do we want this year? Kayak, Gas Grill, Chainsaw, Ice Fishing set, other ideas. Need to vote so Heather can take Thurman Bed Tax and purchase (sooner than later). Big Ticket Raffle (New Name)

Kayak Set and Grill Set - Yes purchase Kayak with paddle and accessories and Yes to Gas Grill with utensil set and seasonings.


Blizzard Blast needs to have a spreadsheet of all income and expenses - Heather will work on a spreadsheet and letter to submit to the towns after the event explaining all income and expenses. We also need to get accurate numbers from 1000 Acres with amounts they brought in after the event.


Trails and Equipment/Groomer Barn-Nate

Tucker 2000 had one cleat broke and could be repaired, another snapped off completely, Jeff is going to weld that. 

2015 Arctic Cat - Diamond Clutch - Jason Hoffman researched and found that it was a plugged vent - $0 to repair - part of the yearly service. Need to make sure we have a service book for all equipment with details of what needs to be done yearly.

Green Drag went S&N Industries on January 3rd and returned on January 12th and was painted by our crew. $1500 total, a little over the budgeted amount. Could use a little more work in the future.



Groomer Barn:

Wish List:

Shop Vac - Paul will donate one.

Work Light 1200 Lumen LED rechargeable  $91.98 (Harbor Freight).

Tools - post pounder - might be in sign shed, Sue says we have one - need to find it, fire extinguishers - 20 lb Uline $188 each - Paul has 3 he will donate but they need to be certified (NY Fire and Signal on Dix Ave can recertify them) 1 wet and 2 dry, Grinder Wheels (for old drag)


Higgins Trail - Tuesday a group went in with tracked ATVs and rode in until they couldn’t go any further. Jeremy dug out and made a nice section of the trial. Where they rode was not actually the trail, that was where Jeremy brought his equipment in. Scott is going on Saturday to walk the trail to get actual directions and see what needs to be done to finish the trail.

We are 100 Yards from the road (per Scott). We will probably need to get a crew together to clear some brush. Scott is going to flag the trail while out tomorrow.

Gaia GPS is the only GPS that the county will pay for.


Fundraising/apparel website  - Nate

Store through Clear Image - only 9 items have sold, need to sell 10 items to pay for the store.


Thurman Maple Days is every weekend in March. They contacted Heather to see if we want to set up at the groomer barn to do a BBQ style fundraiser?? No, because we have no facilities.

Thurman Maple Days will allow us to hang our posters at some of their maple barns.


Approval of changes to bylaws:-Sue


The board needs time to look over the By-Laws and they will contact Heather to make any changes.

Approval through Facebook Chat okayed by the board. Heather will make changes and send them to the group.


Paul proposed that during Snowmobile Season we should have an hour for Board of Directors Meetings.


Jeff Thomas - Donated sheeting to the club. Jeff states that Sue needed the receipts. Paul explained to Jeff that the board gave him the check because he purchased the materials for the groomer barn. We were reimbursing him.

Check written to Jeff Thomas for $788.14 for the Groomer Barn Receipts - Donated Back to the club.


Adjournment: 6:16pm

Scott Mosher, Joseph Deluca, Paul Thomas